
Win-Win Raffle 2024

  • Grand Raffle Fundraiser


    Dear Friend,

    First of all, thank you for coming to this page to read about our raffle fundraiser. Whether you live right here in the CSRA or are connected to us from afar, your involvement has helped make Chabad what it is today. Your support enables us to keep our doors open, offer scholarships, community outreach and provide our community so many programs that enrich and change lives. Together we are transforming thousands of lives right here in our very own community.

    With our WinWin RAFFLE, everyone wins: The community wins by receiving much-needed funding for important programs. The children and families who benefit from the programs win. And you also win. You might win one of the great prizes, including the $10,000 Grand Prize, but you will definitely win the pleasure and pride of contributing to the goodness and growth of the community.

    The RAFFLE drawing is July 18, 2024, so make sure to get your tickets before then, and please tell your friends. You can even pay for your tickets in installments.

    Thank you so very much for your support.

    Rabbi Zalman Fischer

    PS: If you’ve already purchased a ticket in this campaign, thank you, you are a great help. It is so much appreciated.


  • Purchase Tickets

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Send Check to: Chabad of Augusta 3924 Old Furys Ferry Rd.

    Send Zelle to: [email protected]
    Billing Address

    Drawing will be held July 18, 2024

    Rules and information: By entering this raffle, participant (and participant's parent/legal guardian) waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages, attorneys' fees or any damages other than actual out-of pocket costs incurred to enter. Other Chabad affilliates market and refer purchasers to this raffle. Proceeds of the raffle purchases are go strictly to the individual center. Winners will assume and be responsible for any licensing, registration, and other fees, and any local, state and federal taxes, including without limitation any applicable sales, use, luxury, income and special taxes. The decision of Chabad of Augusta shall be final on all matters concerning the raffle. By entering the raffle, the participant agrees that his/her name and likeness may be used for promotional purposes. All participants must be 18 years of age or older.

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